Thursday, February 15, 2018

Benefits of Apple cider vinegar

The first thing you think of when looking at ACV is YUCK! and why?
But did you know that there are major health benefits hidden in this liquid?
I first started drinking it about 6 months ago. I woke up with a horrible sore throat, so bad I couldn't swallow or even talk. I'm a very busy mom so I had to get better fast. I googled what to do and found ACV recipes.  I made my drink and took a shot. Within an hour my sore throat was gone and my sinuses were clear. Right there I knew I had to take this everyday.
I've read that its best before bed, after a workout, after breakfast, before breakfast and something to help you stay full. I have been taking it every morning and I cannot believe how i feel for the rest of the day. Such a difference in my day! I take a small shot glass and fill about less than half full of water and the rest with ACV. You need to take it with water never straight, because it can burn your esophagus and ruin your mouth and teeth.
I take it morning and night. Ive been taking it nightly when I'm done eating and right before bed. I do a glass of water 2 tbl of ACV 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tbl of raw honey. Noticed I've been sleeping better and waking up more refreshed.
If you can't stand the liquid form you can take it in pill form. I prefer the liquid because you don't get the added stuff that the pill for comes with. I haven't done the pill form, I'm thinking it would be good to take on vacations.
There are so many recipes that go with this. You can google certain recipes for your liking.

Here are the benefits if you drink it:

  • Boost metabolism
  • Helps stay full longer
  • Helps sugar cravings
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Natural pre workout
  • Detox of bloodstream and organs
  • Helps getting over sickness easier
  • Boosts immune system
  • Relieves sore throat
  • Clears sinuses
  • Helps with loosening of the joints to help with arthritis
  • Clears acne
  •  Helps with fibromyalgia 
  • Helps clear coughs
  • Helps regulate digestion
  • Cleans liver and kidneys
  • Helps relieve headaches and migranes
  • Gives skin a natural glow
  • Helps with hayfever and allergies. 
  • May help with cellulite and spider veins.
  • Helps with bad breath
  • Helps boost sodium levels

There are a lot more with putting in hair and on skin, but thats for another post someday. 
At first I had a hard time taking it. I do like how salty it is since I have low sodium. 
As I find more benefits I will update. 

