Thursday, April 10, 2014

Facts about pregnancy

Yep welcome to pregnancy. Here is some info on the whole kit and caboodle from my experience. All people are different, this could happen or it wont at all.

  • Start buying diapers and wipes that are on sale as soon as you find out. Usually newborn to size 2, don't buy a ton of newborn diapers. Buy more size 1 and 2, they are in those sizes longer. My baby was in newborns for about a month. I bought 2-3 big boxes of them and i was good. I had to go out and buy a bag of 40 one time. But if you need them go get them especially if your baby is a preemie. I prefer Huggies. For size 1 i liked the Pampers Swaddlers they last all night and they absorb really good. I didnt like Pampers baby dry, the pee would ride up my babies back...ewwwww.
  • Enjoy spending time with your spouse. You will be so busy taking care of the baby and wont have time for each other. As the baby gets older you have more time.
  • Go on one last vacation together. I went to vegas for my b-day. I had fun but I couldn't have that kind of fun. It was worth it though. You will have a hard time going on vacations after the baby is born. 
  • Enjoy sleeping in. Ya you will never sleep in again. Your sleep schedule will be all whacked out. From getting up every 3 hours to staying up all night. 
  • Don't lay on your back when you get 7-9 weeks pregnant. It will make the baby lay on that sciatic nerve and it kills. I did a couple of times and my back killed me. Also dont lay on the side your bladder is on I think its the left side. The baby will be laying on that too so for a couple of months just lay on your right side. 
  • The baby will constantly kick you in the bladder and ribs. It will also be laying on your bladder all the time.
  • Get a good packing list. I have a lot of ideas on that on my pinterest on pregnancy board. The link to my pinterest is on your right. 
  • Watch delivery videos. Epidural, natural and all kind just to see what it looks like. But don't scare yourself.
  • GET A BOPPY!!! they are amazing!!!
  • Get your hair cut on your last month. Just to freshen up:)
  • Maternity pictures??? I did them and im glad i did. I love looking at them and all the memories i had. I didn't take a lot. If you want a good photographer that is good in price i know someone she did my maturitys, bridals, engagements, and newborn and soon to be family pics and 6 month pics. This is her facebook page
  • Birth plan. personally i think its a waste of time. The birth of your baby will be a surprise (maybe) it depends on the pregnancy and person. My baby was 2 weeks early and i couldn't even function cause he came so fast.
  • I heard not to cross your legs. It can clog some kind of vein or something to the fetus. I didn't throughout my pregnancy. I believed it just in case. 
  • If you are RH negative ( if your blood type is negative)  you'll be required to get the rhogam shot. They suck but it will keep your baby safe.
  •  Yes pregnancy sucks at times just remember there are people who had it worse. I was just grateful that I could get pregnant.
  • I hate to say this but do some things yourself. You can't rely on people to do things for you all the time. Well except lifting and pulling don't do that. I mowed the lawn and did some gardening during 1st and 2nd trimester. I also learned to put my shoes and socks on myself my husband wasn't around all the time. When i was 8-9 months pregnant I just did simple things like cook and clean:)
  • If you are afraid of needles. GET OVER IT!!! you will be poked and pricked throughout pregnancy. From blood drawn to shots. I was terrified of needles and blood. I would have one look at a needle and pass out instantly. Now since i went through pregnancy and delivery im like ya give it to me. Now i show them where my good vein is and i watch them. 
  • C-Section. Umm ya didn't have one. But i was at the point where i wanted one :0 So sorry cant help ya there. 
  • Don't be scared to be a parent. I was terrified till I had my son thats when i knew i could do it. So don't worry your gonna be a great mom:) All that motherhood comes naturally. Practice or no practice. I raised a lot of kids (nieces and nephews) so i kinda got the picture. 
  • Birthing classes. I didnt take any and i did just fine i had a nurse go through pushing and everything before i started pushing. It was like a mini birthing class:)
  •  Invest in a nursing bra if you plan on nursing. Dont buy a bunch cause you'll prob nurse from newborn to 6 months to a year old. I bought 3 and its a good number; i got mine from wal-mart i was lucky they were on sale for $10, and i love them. I also bought bigger bras to make my boobies comfy, i went up 2 sizes. Dont forget the nursing pads, you are gonna need them. 
  • Its normal if you cramp a little its just your uterus stretching and getting ready for the little one. 
  • Stretch marks will appear i didn't get them till after i had my baby. I didn't get any on my belly just on my hips and inner legs. When you get them they will hurt, only for a while. Keep putting lotion on the spots where they appear. I used Cetaphil and it worked amazingly. 
  • During your last couple weeks or month get things done. Clean the house,make frozen dinners, get car seat ready, wash all baby clothes and blankies. I was unprepared cause they took my baby early, they decided to induce me when i was at my exam. 
  • Dont worry about gaining weight. Its good weight, it'll go away after you have the baby. 
  • Yes morning sickness sucks, you could get it some times or always. Your not alone all women get it. Take vitamin B6 helped me a ton and drink herbal tea; do not drink mint or raspberry i heard its not good for the developing baby.
  • Don't worry about maturity clothes. I mainly wore stretchy clothing and sweat pants. I did get some pants from my mom and some people and they were nice to have. 
  • Wait to buy stuff till after the baby shower. 
  • Go for walks. It helped me keep my good pregnancy weight and you get out and stretch. 
  • Your back will hurt. That sciatic nerve sucks. Don't sleep on your back when you get to your 3rd trimester. The baby will lay on that nerve and it kills!!. I was down and out a lot because of my back. I could hardly move.
  • Cravings are fun...kinda. Its fun to find out what you crave. The weirdest thing i craved was the smell of beer. I wouldn't drink it i would smell it. 
  • Write a pregnancy journal. I did and i love looking through it and reading what i craved and what happened that week. Also im writing the first year of my baby in it. All his milestones and the little things like when he took a shower for the first time. 
  • Pack in your last month. I did that and i just grabbed the diaper bag and left. But i only packed early for baby not me haha. 
  • Look for pregnancy freebies and sign up for stuff. I get free samples from enfamil and coupons from gerber. I also get deals from websites like deals for mommy. Here is the website for free stuff all you pay is shipping they update it every month.
  • Sign up for a pregnancy program provided by your insurance. It does depend on your insurance. For mine they had a 24 hr nurse that i could call if something happend and they called me every trimester to get caught up on whats goin on. They also sent me a bunch of free stuff. Books that helped me a lot.
  • It will affect your sex life. Yep i typed it SEX!!! During first trimester you'll be way to tired to do it. Second you could get better or stay the same. It depends on the person. 
  • Get this app!! its called Im expecting. It tells you how big your baby is per week and sends you notifications on what week you are and what the baby looks like. Also sign up for this website it tells you anything you need to know about pregnancy and baby. It also tells you what your baby is developing that week and what will happen to you. Also get that app too they have chat rooms so you can ask questions and help other people too. I got both and they are fun. 
  • Dont drink water before bed. I got up to pee 3 times during the night. I kept forgetting not too cause i would get so thirsty. 
  • I heard that if you crave healthy foods its a girl and junk food its a boy. I craved junk food like fries, soda and candy and wala i had a boy. 
  • When you see your baby in your dreams that means your baby is dreaming about you or thinking about you. We'll its what i heard. I saw my baby in my dreams a lot and i imagined/dreamed him like he is now.... weird huh.
  • Drink less than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day. It affects the fetus so cut back on coffee and soda..sorry.
  • Be careful of raw foods like meat and eggs and cake batter. So don't drink egg nog while pregnant. I was pregnant during Christmas and it sucked i wanted egg nog so bad. 
  • Just enjoy your baby kicking and seeing he/she on the ultrasound.
  • Do get a pregnancy wedge by boppy. I got one from my sis in law and i loved it. I was 8 months pregnant i would wedge it under my belly and i slept so good. 
    This is the pregnancy wedge

Tribute to my mom and dad

I have a feeling that i need to write something about my parents and what they have done for me. I know its out of subject on my blog but i really want to write this.
Mom: you have done so much for me from supporting me in school to moving out and getting married you have always been there when i needed you. I love calling you and just talking to you about stuff or just coming over. I am so glad that i was chosen to be in the Anderson family. God knew that me you and dad could handle my health problems and we did. I never would have gotten this far if it wasn't for you and dad cheering me on and telling me that everything will be ok and ill be normal again. I know for those horrible 4-5 months i made you cry and worry and i never want to do that to you again. You never gave up on me like some people did. You sent to to specialists, doctors, and hospitals to figure out what was going on. My pregnancy wasn't the best ever but you helped me through it. Im so glad that you were there when i pushed for 4 hrs. You and Preston kept
me going. I miss going on adventures with you. Going to  Disneyland,
FFA conventions, and las vegas. We traveled the world without a
care. Mom I love you so much and hope we can continue our adventures.
Dad: Wow what to say! there is so much i want to say. Thank you too for supporting me in school when i got married and pregnancy. I loved goin to Fish Creek every year. I could not wait for that trip. We have to go again sometime.
Dad you have supported my artwork from the beginning. Every time i 
draw a new piece i could not wait to show you what i did. I love your reaction that you have whenever i
show you my artwork, cartoons and all. I love talking to you i feel i can tell you anything ( and mom too). Whenever i cook something i say to myself  "Dad is going to love this. He has to try this."
I can tell my health issues scared you; i was scared too. I didn't know what would happen, i was terrified everyday wondering if tomorrow would get better. You would hug me and sing me my favorite country song " dreamin cowboy". Even though i don't remember what happened most of the time i knew what was going on around me. Im so lucky to have a family that loved and supported me through the hard times. I absolutely love it when you sing. I love your songs and poems that you wrote. I hope you make a CD someday of your songs so i can listen to it when your not with me.
Again Mom Dad i love you so much:) I miss you every time I'm not with you.

Crock pot cream cheese chicken chili

Yes another recipie its amazing and so good i had to share.

  • 2 chicken breasts, still frozen
  • 1 can Rotel tomatoes ( i used regular canned tomatoes)
  • 1 can corn kernels, do not drain
  • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 pkg. Ranch dressing mix
  • 1 T cumin
  • 1 t chili powder
  • 1 t onion powder 
  • 1 8-oz pkg. cream cheese
Put the chicken in the crock pot.
Top with the tomatoes, corn,
the drained and rinsed beans,
ranch dressing, cumin, onion and chili powders,
stir to combine then top with the cream cheese.
Cook on low for 6-8 hours, stirring one or twice
 to blend in the cheese.
Shred the chicken into large pieces and enjoy. 
You can put on top of rice or by itself.