Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tribute to my mom and dad

I have a feeling that i need to write something about my parents and what they have done for me. I know its out of subject on my blog but i really want to write this.
Mom: you have done so much for me from supporting me in school to moving out and getting married you have always been there when i needed you. I love calling you and just talking to you about stuff or just coming over. I am so glad that i was chosen to be in the Anderson family. God knew that me you and dad could handle my health problems and we did. I never would have gotten this far if it wasn't for you and dad cheering me on and telling me that everything will be ok and ill be normal again. I know for those horrible 4-5 months i made you cry and worry and i never want to do that to you again. You never gave up on me like some people did. You sent to to specialists, doctors, and hospitals to figure out what was going on. My pregnancy wasn't the best ever but you helped me through it. Im so glad that you were there when i pushed for 4 hrs. You and Preston kept
me going. I miss going on adventures with you. Going to  Disneyland,
FFA conventions, and las vegas. We traveled the world without a
care. Mom I love you so much and hope we can continue our adventures.
Dad: Wow what to say! there is so much i want to say. Thank you too for supporting me in school when i got married and pregnancy. I loved goin to Fish Creek every year. I could not wait for that trip. We have to go again sometime.
Dad you have supported my artwork from the beginning. Every time i 
draw a new piece i could not wait to show you what i did. I love your reaction that you have whenever i
show you my artwork, cartoons and all. I love talking to you i feel i can tell you anything ( and mom too). Whenever i cook something i say to myself  "Dad is going to love this. He has to try this."
I can tell my health issues scared you; i was scared too. I didn't know what would happen, i was terrified everyday wondering if tomorrow would get better. You would hug me and sing me my favorite country song " dreamin cowboy". Even though i don't remember what happened most of the time i knew what was going on around me. Im so lucky to have a family that loved and supported me through the hard times. I absolutely love it when you sing. I love your songs and poems that you wrote. I hope you make a CD someday of your songs so i can listen to it when your not with me.
Again Mom Dad i love you so much:) I miss you every time I'm not with you.

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