Friday, July 24, 2015

Nash's birth story

So I have seen a lot of people post their child's birth stories on their blogs. I've been told I should post mine, its not inspiring but its interesting. I'm not very good at writing things so bare with me. I had my son 18 months ago so its kinda hard to remember

It was a normal check up on a Friday morning, I was due in 2 weeks. My mother was with me. We went into the doctors office, had the ultrasound; he was healthy as can be. They took my blood pressure and it was a little high. I have low blood pressure, so they kept an eye on it during my exam. They said I'm gonna have to be on bed rest for a couple of weeks. The doctor came in and talked to us and said she's gonna make some calls. At the end of the exam they took it again and it has skyrocketed. They said that they want to take the baby now!!! I didn't quite understand what was going on, my mom was freaking out and saying " your having him now!!". They booked me a room, and told me I could make my way to the hospital.
By the time we left It hit me. I was gonna be a mom either today or tomorrow. I couldn't believe it!!! It was all happening so fast. I immediately called my husband, Preston; he didn't answer. So I called my mother in law and I told her what was happening, I asked her to try and get a hold of Preston. Right after I hung up with her Preston calls. I told him what was happening and he was as surprised as I was. My mom gives me a blanket she made, she called it my laboring blanket. We stopped at the Malt shop and got some lunch, Got home and got me and Preston packed; I had Nash packed for a long time, cause you never when the baby will come. Got in the truck and headed to the hospital.
 We started calling Preston's family and mine letting everyone know that Nash is coming either today or tomorrow. We got there and they started my IV. They tried a couple times to get it in, bursting a couple of veins while they were at it. They finally got it in and ended up getting blood everywhere. Within 15 minutes with having the IV in I went slightly blind. I could hardly see anything. I tried to stay calm, the doctor looked in my eyes and said to wait a couple of minutes to see if my sight would come back. It came back and all was well... thank goodness.
They started to induce me.. which SUCKED!!! it took 12 hours for that. After a couple of hours after they put the string in me I started having contractions. Those SUCK too!!! They had to keep turning me to my sides. I could hardly move cause it hurt so bad. They gave me a phen and morphine shot and that made them feel much better. They said I could eat and drink while being induced so Preston ran to a restaurant and got me some food and a nice big chocolate shake. It was so good!!!! My last meal till after I have the baby.
Around 5 in the morning they came in to check up on me and asked if I wanted the epidural. They said if they call the guy now it'll take him almost an hour to get to the hospital. I was thinkin why not, might as well get it over with. He came in 30 min... the epidural was the part I was scared of. I sat on the edge of the bed. I wanted to look over and see and the guy said "I recommend you don't look back here" I turn around and close my eyes. He rubbed some grainy stuff on my back with a sponge. He kept rubbing and I look at Preston his eyes get wide and his face goes completely white. He had to sit down and the nurses went and got him some juice. I was like oh crap. I close my eyes and squeeze my laboring blanket. He continues to rub my back, than I have this weird feeling like something is rubbing on my spine. Than he says "all done" he puts a bunch of tape on my back and had me lay down. I did not feel a thing!! I was scared of that, what the heck.
I was in heaven..... I was telling everyone I loved them and telling the anesthesiologist that he was so amazing. Within a couple hours the left side of my body started to hurt. The anesthesiologist said he had a hard time getting it in the center and it mainly went on the right side of my spine. I started feeling a lot of pain in my left hip.
Pretty soon I started to push. They gave me a few lessons on how to breath and push. I still felt that pain in my hip and now it was starting in my back too. For 4 long hours I pushed and pushed.... I thought he was never gonna come. I could feel in my hip canal. Whenever I rested after I pushed the nurses would pick up my left leg and rotate my hip to keep it from hurting. Every time they would do that I can feel Nash's little head in my hip. I hated that feeling. I have never experienced so much pain for so long ever. For 4 hours I was in terrible, horrible pain. There is no way I can describe it. Also during all of this pain I got a fever of 102 and that made them worry cause it could effect Nash.  I wanted to give up so bad and have them do a C section. But, my mom, Preston and Nash kept me going. The doctor said he was stuck and needed help with getting out, so she had to use the suction to help him. She attached it on his head and pulled and pulled.I was thinkin "he is comin out NOW!!!" I put all my strength in that last push and he shot right out...that was the weirdest feeling ever. Having a watermelon in your belly to nothing. I caught my breath and I have never cried so hard in my life. He was a little blue but he was crying. Hes here I cant believe it, I kept saying that over and over in my head. My life has changed forever, this is a new beginning for me, Preston and Nash.
 I really don't remember what Preston and my mom were doing at the time but, I'm sure glad they were there. I remember Preston crying; as he went to cut the cord. I held my arms out to hold my baby boy against me. (Wow I'm getting really emotional right now) I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to stay like that forever. Within minutes they took him away to give him oxygen and antibiotics. They weight him and made sure everything was ok since he was a little early.
I cried and cried for I don't know how long. I kept lookin over to see if he was ok. The doctor looked at me told me that there is a lot of repairing to do. She took forever to stitch me up. I don't know what I did down there but I didn't care. My baby boy is here and I'm looking right at him. They took Nash to the nursery to give him more treatment and to let me rest. I have never been so tired. My eyes were so swollen and I broke a few blood vessels on my face. I couldn't sleep... I wanted to see Nash again.
The next day I took a shower and drank a TON of water. The nurse came in every 20-30 min to refill my mug. Everyone came to see my little baby. It was so nice to see everyone and their support.
They kept me till Monday and Nash till Tuesday cause of the fever and everything else. I came down with the flu on the day we left. It kinda sucked to have a baby right during flu season. Especially when you catch it.
After a few days we got use to having a baby in the house. It took me a month to heal, I had a very hard time walking for a few weeks.
Nash Donald Nielsen
10:45 pm
7 lbs 11oz

Nash is growing so fast. I cannot believe how time flies when you have your own kids. Life is so much different with Nash. I have learned so much from him.He has been an amazing baby. Since he was about 3 months old he has been sleeping through the night. I hardly noticed he was getting teeth since he never complained. He is seriously the best son a mother could ask for.
Its so weird... I have only known Nash for a couple of months but... Im madly in love with him. 

 I will be editing this once in a while. Correcting and adding so keep watching.

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