Monday, March 23, 2015

facts about teething

O how much I dislike teething. Yet I feel so bad for the babies who have to go through it. Everything they have could be teething from a fever to getting a cold. All babies are different this is just what I experienced with my son and him teething. The only thing is, is that it took me a while to realize that my son was teething. He never showed it, my mom noticed it when he was about 3 months old. I noticed 2 white spots in his mouth at 6 months.

Here are some facts and helpful hints to help:

  • Freeze whole carrots and have them gnaw and suck on them. 
  • Put binkies in the freezer and let them chew on that. My son never took a binkie and i would give them to him to chew on and it helped a lot. 
  • Frozen fruit, its nummy and it will feel good. 
  • Wet a washcloth and freeze it. They will love the texture and cold. 
  • Amber teething necklaces, I thought they were kinda pricey so I never bought any and my son did just fine without it. I did fine without one too. I do have a necklace thats big and bulky so my son can chew and pull on it all he wants and won't break it. 
  • COCONUT OIL!!! I loved this stuff it worked wonders for my son. I would get some on my finger and rub it all over his gums. It wont harm him; just don't do to much at a time. 
  • Symptoms can vary. Runny nose, red bum, fever, and the teething poop. Don't worry you'll find out what the teething poop looks like. Also blow outs can be teething, that's the teething poop. My son gets a bloody, raw bum:( cough, tiredness, and hes mean haha. 
  • There are different stages for each tooth;
  1. Stage 1 (0-6 months) Milk teeth. No show of teeth but getting there.
  2. Stage 2 (6-12 months) Rabid chipmunk. Lower, top, and lateral incisors are erupting with drooling pain. 
  3. Stage 3 (10-14 months) Holy molars!.  Horrible molars are keeping baby from sleeping. 
  4. Stage 4 (1-2 years) Fangs. Canine teeth take forever to pop out with sharp pains.
  5. Stage 5 (2-3 years) Revenge of the molars. These are twice the size of the other teeth. Ack!! Keep your sanity its almost over. 
                 Found this on Pinterest. I thought it was funny and great diagram.

  • That sore bum... or the sore bums. This is the worst. Whenever it would get really bad I would give him a coconut oil bath. I would put a handful of the coconut oil in the bath water and let his poor bum soak in it. I also would rub it all over his body; he has baby eczema and he breaks out when he is teething. I would cover him from head to toe and let him sit in the bath. Than after the bath I would put it on his bum like a butt cream and rub it all over his bum and add a little baby powder so it wont be to moist. I would do this and the red would either be gone or starting to disappear. 
  • Tylenol, Advil and ibuprofen helped amazingly!!! I hated drugging my kid but hes in a lot of pain. I would only give it to him if he was really bad. Make sure you mix them around, Tylenol and Advil or Tylenol and ibuprofen. I really like Tylenol, especially at night. I like Advil for days; I gave him Advil before bedtime and he was hyper and very happy. Ibuprofen is nice cause it lasts up to 8 hours. I only use it a couple of times cause its so expensive. Tylenol and Advil is 4-5 hours. 
  • Teething rails for the crib. I got some from my sister in law and i like them. He stands up in his crib and chews on the railing. There are different types of this; mine are clear and they just slide on the railing. 
  • As soon and a couple of teeth fully pop out; brush them. I talked to my dentist and he says to brush every morning and night and to have his first check up between 12-24 months. I have 2 different kinds of toothbrushes, One has the bristles and the other is a rubber finger brush. He likes the rubber one cause I massage his gums and teeth with it and he seems to like it.
  • Be careful when you put the baby to sleep with a bottle. If the teeth have already popped out and he falls asleep with the bottle in his mouth it can cause cavities. Also breastfeeding can cause this too if the baby is fed "at will", it can also cause tooth decay. Watch your baby and make sure he doesn't leave the nipple in his mouth. 
  • Comfort your baby; hes in a lot of pain. Give him his favorite blanket or toy and snuggle with him.
  • Just expect to stay up with your little one once in a while. He'll be very moody and MEAN!!! 
  • Molars and canines are the WORST!! so far the molars are bad for my son, luckily we are past that horrible stage. But we haven't gotten to the canines yet and I can't wait haha.
I hope these tips and tricks helped. They sure helped me. Im glad I wrote this so I know what I did when I have a second one:)

Most facts are from pinterest and some are from personal experience. I do not take credit for this full article.

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