Thursday, February 26, 2015

Facts about being a working mom

Going back to work and leaving my 7 month old at the babysitters was hard. I felt so much guilt and wanted so bad to be with my baby every second. I was so jealous of the stay at home moms who get to enjoy their kids. I felt like I wasn't doing enough for my son and that I was a horrible mom for leaving him. I've read that some people say that working moms can't handle their kids and have to leave them to someone else. I'm sorry but that's not true. You can believe its a bad thing but the average working mom has raised up to 800% since 1860 according to This has changed my thoughts on the working mom. The more I worked the more I realized..... I'm happy with what I'm doing.
I do not take credit for clip art. 

Now I'm not the only working mom, I know a lot of working moms. I talked to some of them and they seem happy with their job and their life at home. Even stay at home moms do a lot, that is considered a full time job. 

Ever since I started working I have lost weight, started drinking a lot of water, and been much happier with my relationship with my husband and my son. My hours and days working vary weekly. Ill work 5-8 days in a row and have 1-2 days off. Hours vary from 5-6 hours a day. I cook food all day; when I'm done Ill come home and cook some more and clean the house, take care of my son, make sure husband is happy:), do laundry, and some other things. I'm not trying to complain or anything I love this. I love making my husband happy and spending time with him and my son. My husband works very hard for us
I admit when I was a stay at home mom I was bored all the time. I slacked on cleaning and didn't have the motivation to do anything. Getting a job changed that. 

If we do have another kid (which I want more than one kid) I will probably be a full time mom. Than once all the kids are in school I'll probably get a small job that works around the kids schedule. 

Here are some facts about working mom/ parents: 

  • Don't be negative; do not come home and chew out your husband and yell at your kids. Even if you had a bad day, they do not deserve that. Talk to your husband about your day, it'll make you feel better.
  • Don't complain; well once in a while i guess. I've learned not to complain about how I do all this stuff when I get home. If you do it a lot you'll start to annoy people.
  • Studies show that kids who go to day care score higher on cognitive and verbal comprehension tests. Im not saying that every parent should be a working mom, there are pros and cons to it. But the kids are just fine at the babysitters, don't worry too much. 
  • Once in a while you can buy something you want. Like a pair of shoes or that shirt you have eyeing for a while. Its nice to treat yourself for all your hard work. Once in a while my husband will take me somewhere and say " you've been working hard you deserve it". Also once in a while Ill bring him dinner in bed and rub his back cause he deserves it.
  • Eat healthy; every since I started working I've been eating healthier and I noticed I have had a lot of energy. Ill come home from work and want to run a mile haha.
  • Once in a while you will be exhausted. If you had a bad day don't come home and worry about house work. Make something simple for dinner and sit down and watch a movie with the kids. Relax and enjoy the company.
  • You'll get more social life and wont go crazy. I thought I was gonna go insane when my son was a newborn. I was stuck in the house for 2-3 months. I had my son during flu season and I couldn't really walk very good for a month.
  • Meal planning and freezer meals go a long way; these will help with those long days of stressful work. 
  • If you need help... ASK!!! Have your mom come over and watch the kids while you cook and clean. I admit, I've done it a couple times and I'm glad I did.
  • Don't feel guilty; just think that you are putting food on the table and paying for the kids clothes and the roof over their head. 
  • Daycare bills are a bitch; they stack up the numbers everyday. Don't worry its worth it especially if its someone good that is watching your kids. My babysitter(s) are amazing. My husbands cousin, mother in law, mom, and sisters are amazing at tending my son. 
  • Keep work stuff at work. Don't worry if you forgot to do something or did something wrong. Your off the clock and not working don't worry. 
  • Don't give up on work. If its what you want to do than do it. If you think it is too much for you than think about getting a different job or just stay home. 
  • You are not perfect. Don't pull a supermom on your family. It will hurt you and your job and your health, be careful
  • You'll probably have a stronger relationship with your kids and appreciate being with them more. 
I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope this helps newly working moms somewhere. If anyone has anything to add let me know and I'll credit ya. 

Percentage and some facts came from other sources. I do not take credit for this whole article

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