Sunday, June 29, 2014

What I experienced with babies "crying it out"

My thoughts and opinions on babies crying it out might be different than what others think.
Now this is simply an opinion, I don't want this to turn into an argument. I have seen subjects like this get people upset. I'm not meaning to upset people this is simply my experience on this subject.

When my son was a day old I wanted to be there for him no matter what happens. From when he gets his first boo boo to goin off to college. I wanted to be there whenever he cried or was upset. I was that mom that every single noise he made I was by his side. When he was in between a month and 2 months I realized that he needs to learn that every time he cries I'm not gonna be there.
"Crying it out" not only helps your baby but it helps the mommy. I would have gone completely insane if I didn't let him cry it out. With a lot of nieces and nephews I have done this before. I remember when we had to put babies on their tummy's to sleep, putting alcohol on there belly buttons when they where a newborn, an of coarse crying. Times have changed we no longer put them on their bellies cause of the risk of SIDS and suffocation. So far crying it out is still something mothers do to this day.

My older sister has twins. I can't imagine having 2 the same age, one is enough for me. She was having troubles having them go to bed and take a nap. She asked her pediatric doctor what to do. Her doctor said fill their bellies, give them a clean diaper, and possibly a pacifier. Lay them in their crib for nap time and put earplugs in and let them cry.

When I left the hospital the nurses and my doctor said that crying it out helps lung development. I started the crying it out stage when he was almost 2 and a half months old. I might have done it earlier, I can't remember haha. I would completely fill his tummy, give him signs that its either nap time or night time, change his diaper, give him some gas drops, kiss him goodnight and turn on his lullaby machine. There is a whole explanation on how I got my son to sleep through the night on this blog here is the link;postID=6118805706114324307;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=13;src=postname
I would let him cry for about 5 min than I would go in and rub his belly, give him his pacifier, and hum a song. I wouldn't pick him up unless he is screaming. Mommy's can usually tell if there baby is whining, angry or in pain just by how they cry. My son usually whines cause he's bored or doesn't want to sleep. Once in a while he will fight goin to sleep, Ill just keep doin what I usually do and wait till he's so tired he falls asleep.

Now on the other hand people have told me that crying it out is bad. It causes brain damage, makes the baby feel alone, and makes him resent you. For me I don't believe in all that. I have done this several times and all my nieces and nephews are just fine. If this is causing babies to actually get brain damage from this than why did my doctor and all the nurses at the hospital tell me to let them cry.

My son is now almost 6 months and he is doing great. He's a healthy, bouncing baby boy. I do let him cry it out once in a while, depending on how he feels.

Everyone has an opinion on this subject some people live by not letting them cry it out and some people do it. I will gladly hear other opinions on this, but I will not tolerate arguments.

You are more than welcome to leave comments on my thoughts and or corrections.:)

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