Thursday, May 22, 2014

To my husband....

I know this isnt part of my blog but I need to let my husband know how I feel about him. I cant tell him in person cause I'll probably cry and won't be able to say anything. Just so you know I'm not very good at writing these things sometimes it comes out like word vomit. So sorry if this is word vomit, it can be word vomit with love;)

We just celebrated our 2nd anniversary on May 10th this year. Even though we don't do extravagant things to celebrate, you always find fun things to do. I wouldn't care if we didn't do anything just as long as I'm with you I don't care how we celebrate it.

"When two people are meant for each other no time is too long, no distance is to far, and nobody can keep them apart"
Marrying you was the best thing I have ever done. I'm so glad I went on that date with you and I'm glad I decided to work at Hermansens Equipment. Everyday I think about the day you gave me my promise ring. I loved how you planned that out. The day you purposed to me and surprised me with a carriage ride and a beautiful wedding ring. I want to re live these days over and over again. You are very good at surprising me, to this day you still do. December 23rd, 2011 and May 10th, 2012 was seriously the best day of my life. Our wedding was a real life fairy tale. I'm so glad we got married in the Venetian in Vegas. I would love to go back in time and marry you all over again without changing anything. Everything was perfect, from the flowers to the honeymoon.
 Your family has excepted me from the beginning and I love them to pieces. Thank you for taking care of me when the times got tough and not abandoning me. I know seeing me have a seizure is hard but you pulled me through without freaking out. 
From these 2 years we've been married you gave me everything I have ever wanted. A house, a handsome baby boy that is a spitting image of you and amazing in laws.  We traveled to North Dakota and learned new things and spent time with each other. Building our friendship and relationship. Making new adventures along the way. I miss going up the mountain with you and looking for elk and looking at the stars. Remember we use to always do that, it made me so happy.
I hope I am giving you everything you have ever wanted. I hope your as happy as I am. I love you more than anything in the world and I wouldn't trade you for anything. I love how you joke around and make me laugh. You don't judge me for the things I do, I love who you are and I don't want you to change anything. You are so handsome, everyday I look at you and say to myself " my husband is damn sexy. I am so lucky to have a good looking man like my husband". I know you aren't big on things like this but I am. I'm that kind of person that appreciates things that are done for me. Ever since I got better I think about life and that it is worth living. I decided to overcome this illness and marry the man of my dreams and be a mother and name our first boy Nash. I've always loved that name. You are the man of my dreams, you helped me accomplish that dream. I know it's not a awesome dream but to me it is. I have been more grateful for life than ever. I'm even more grateful now that I'm with you. 
Preston you can't imagine how I feel right now and every day I'm with you. I am proud to be a Nielsen and to be Augusta Camille Nielsen (Anderson). Changing my name is letting go of the past and the start of a new life with somebody I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. I've always thought that had a nice ring to it. I loved saying my whole name when we got married. I will always be an Anderson, but I'm going to be a Nielsen forever and always with you.

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