Friday, April 11, 2014

Facts about labor and delivery

Welcome to the birthing process. This is a big time for you. Here are some facts from my experience. All people are different and all labor and delivery are different.

  • If you get induced be prepared for a long day. When i got induced it took 12 hrs for that to be over. Also its so much better if you go into labor yourself than being induced. (from what I heard).
  • Wear your hair up. Put it in a ponytail or put a head band on. I didnt and my hair was all wet from sweat and it was gross.
  • If you get an epidural eat a lot of ice chips. During it you'll be extremely thirsty and stiff. 
  • There will be blood. Lots and lots of blood. 
  • Just breath; it will hurt but it will all be worth it in the end. Hang in there.
  • Watch for labor signs and make sure that they are real.
  • Yes the epidural is scary. When I got it I didn't feel a thing and I felt sick during it but it really wasn't that bad. After I got it I felt like I was on a cloud. It was the best thing ever. I would sit there and be like "O look I'm having a contraction and I cant feel it". There are more options for pain relief if you choose not to do the epidural. If you do get one eat and drink a lot before cause you can't have any food or water till that baby is out of you. 
  • You can do natural birth. But be prepared to be in extreme pain. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't get pain relief. You'll have pain in your back, stomach and down under. 
  • Do the skin on skin if you can. Best thing I ever did was hold my baby right after he came into this world.
  • If you need a c-section do it. I didn't get one so I don't know how it feels.
  • It will exhaust you. Your body is doing a big thing and trying to help you know when to push.
  • It might hurt. I had back labor and horrible hip pain even with the epidural in. 
  • Some people push forever and are in labor forever. I was in labor for almost a whole day. I pushed for about 4 hours. Some people push for like 15 minutes. 
  • The first baby is gonna be the hardest. Cause your body is trying to figure out how to make it and get it out of your body. But it depends on the person. 
  • You'll probably get an episiotomy. An episiotomy is a surgical cut from the vagina to the anus to make the delivery go by faster.I didn't get one cause i tore the crap out of everything and got a lot of stitches. 
  • You might have to get forceps or the vacuum assistance. I got the vacuum and it helped a lot. My baby got stuck in the birth canal. 
  • When the baby comes out its gonna feel really weird. My baby came shooting out and my belly instantly shrunk. I had to catch my breath when he came out. That was the weirdest feeling I have ever had. 
  • Before you go to the hospital make sure you have everything packed and ready to go. That includes the baby's coming home outfit and other important things.
  • Make friends with the nurses. Trust me its worth it. but I really wish I would have brought some cookies or a treat for them. 
  • Your gonna cry....a lot. I have never cried so hard in my life when I saw my baby for the first time. (well maybe from my hip pain too.)
  • You might scream. Haha I did. I screamed like they did in the movies. Mainly cause of hip pain and I just wanted the baby out of me. 
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions. I asked a ton of questions and my nurses didn't mind at all. 
  • Don't have too many people in the delivery room. Its nice to have a couple of nurses, the doctor, and your husband. I had some nurses, the doctor, the anesthesiologist, my mom, and husband. So that wasn't too many people. 
  • You are gonna be naked and spread eagle throughout the process so get use to it. You'll be in pain so you won't even care. 
There is more info about this subject on

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