Sunday, May 7, 2017

Review: 3 week yoga retreat

This program is for anyone. For beginners and there is no need for experience in yoga. Help build strength and flexibility and feel relaxed. In just 21 days; 30 minutes or less you learn the basics of yoga.
There are 3 different levels

  • Foundation
  • Expansion
  • Progression
  • Take 10
The calander below is the schedule. Im not gonna explain all of them because that would take a very long time. Its pretty simple.

Mondays core days- this will activate, engage, and helps build awareness in your muscles.
Tuesdays Stretch- stretch, extend and lengthen all your muscles.
Wednesdays balance- challenges your body to learn to balance and engage your core.
Thursday flow- everything put together that you learned from the past 3 days. Practice breathing and learn to "Flow" through each move.
Fridays flow on the go- shorter more advanced version of flow.
Saturday relax- unwind and relax from the long week
Sunday take 10- short 10 min classes. AM to help wake up. PM help wind down from a long day. Abs wake up those abs and get them active. Do all in one day or just a few or one.

Each one can be longer or shorter than the other, or have different trainers and moves. Anyway you do it your still gonna feel great and so relaxed.

    It took me a while to finish this program. The only time I would do it was on my rest days. I did a hybrid with BBL master series and now Insanity max:30. I absolutely loved doing this on my rest days. Especially when my muscles were so stiff and sore from my workout. It stretched and helped me relax from a long, hard week.
    I can say that I have been one with my self and you know what... its nice. I have a toddler and I'm a
    working mom so life gets pretty crazy and this yoga program helped me a lot.
    I have noticed a huge difference in my balance, flexibility and being able to relax. Now I have done yoga before; from P90X and P90X3. Those yoga workouts were nothing like this. This isn't your average yoga routine.
    Iv'e noticed that I am able to do a lot of moves I wasn't able to do. I have bad knees and wrists and this has helped me so much with the pain. All of the following above is true. This is a big reason why I love practicing yoga.
    I am prone to seizures so when I would have a bad day I would continue with this program on my rest days. Believe it or not it has helped me with that too. I have seizures from stress and other things so this program has helped me so much with that subject.
    After every workout I would feel so refreshed and amazing. I admit some of the workouts did give me some sore muscles, but that's because I haven't used those muscles in a long time. You should see my toddler do some of this program with me. He is getting very good at it. He loves to do yoga with mommy. I love that hes so active with me during this workout.
    Now for the workouts.
     Personally I have really enjoyed progression (week 3). I really liked the moves and the stretches that were on it. I felt more relaxed and got a better stretch with this one. Don't get me wrong the other ones are amazing too, but for me I loved progression.
    Expansion (week 2) was a little on the hard side... to me. I activated a lot of muscles that haven't been used in a very long time so when I was finished I had sore muscles. You know what though... it felt amazing. Because I know I'm using and working those muscles and getting them stretched and worked.
    Foundation (week 1) was on the easy side. I liked it because it helps you get ready for the other weeks and what's to come. It prepared your muscles, body and mind for the next 2 weeks.

    I think I really enjoyed balance and stretch. I really like working on my balance and stretching all my muscles. Especially after a hard days work and a long busy week.
    This program is a perfect match to do with Insanity max 30. You get all your cardio, push ups and burpees in than on your 2 rest days you do this. It feels amazing!!

    Now that I have finished this program Iv'e noticed some changes. My balance, breathing, learning to relax, flexibility and meditation. All of these have enhanced. It has also helped with my hips. After having my son I have had hip and even back problems. I would get really bad shoots of pain up my back and down my hips. They would hurt so bad that I couldn't breath or move. Guess what this program has helped with this. My hips feel more open and comfortable, my back is more stretched and flexible. I feel less stiff and I loved using every single muscle in my body.

    I was doing this program during Christmas. My toddler was in bed and I was gonna get my yoga on. On Nextflix they have this fireplace movie. You can choose from 3 of them. They have one with music and without music and one with that does a close up and other things. I chose the one without music and played it while I did yoga. Wow did it enhance my relaxation. I spoiled myself that night. Right after I had my warm cup of tea and it was bedtime. I slept so good that night.

    For finishing this program you get a really cool bracelet.

    I don't really have a before and after because it took me so long to finish. So here are some poses that I practiced while doing the program. These are poses that I wasn't able to do at the beginning of the program. ( the bottom picture)