Monday, January 23, 2017

Review: P90X3

P90x3 is for people who have little time but want the same intensity as p90x. That's why its called extreme fitness accelerated. Each workout is easy to understand and he takes less time to explain how to do them. You can literally jump right in and know exactly what to do.
For me I did get better results with p90x than p90x3, but I had more fun with p90x3. Tony was hilarious and the other people in it. Shannon was my all time favorite, she is hilarious.
In this one there are 3 different levels you can choose from.

Classic- for all body types
Mass- mainly for people who want to bulk up.
Doubles- made for men. Gets you ripped.
Elite block- made for athletes.
Lean- made for women. Creates lean muscles.

I did the lean program. It was still hard but I got the results that I wanted.

Here are the workouts:

  • CVX- full body burn. This combines resistance and intervals. The only one that has 5 extra minutes. 35 minutes.
  • Total synergistics- Full body resistance workout that changes your body's composition. 30 minutes.
  • Agility X- aerobic and anaerobic that improves flexibility, balance and strength. 30 minutes.
  • Triometrics- mainly plyo workout. 30 minutes.
  • X3 yoga- helps with balance, strength, and stamina. 30 minutes.
  • Pilates X- Work your core, gain muscle, and stabilize your joints in this pure Pilates workout. 30 minutes. 
  • The challenge- strengthen your entire upper body with stacking push ups and pull ups. 30 minutes. 
  • Incinerator- full blown burnout. Very intense. 30 minutes. 
  • MMX- karate based cardio workout. 30 minutes.
  • The warrior- basically a boot camp workout. Very intense. 30 minutes.
  • Isometrix- isometric combined with instability. 30 minutes. 
  • Dynamix- like yoga but a little more cardio. 30 minutes.
  • Decelerator- Teaches you to go up strong and come down safe. Includes plyo and agility moves. 30 minutes. 
  • Accerlerator- fat burning cardiovascular and muscular workout. 30 minutes. 
  • Eccentric upper- upper body workout that creates lean muscles. 30 minutes.
  • Eccentric lower- lower body workout that will leave your muscles sore. 30 minutes. 
Here is the deluxe version;
  • Complex upper- explosive training for upper body. 30 minutes.
  • Complex lower- Creates a leaner and stronger lower body. 30 minutes.
  • X3 ab ripper- fast but effective workout to get those rock hard abs. 15 minutes.
I haven't done any of the deluxe version so I can't really write anything about that part. 

So after every workout there is a burnout. I actually enjoyed the burnout; mainly because its the last couple of minutes of the workout. The burnout is just that, you do 1 or 2 moves for 2-3 minutes non stop!!!! That's the part I just collapse to the floor and pray that I don't die.

This program I had a lot of favorite workouts. I really enjoyed MMX, X3 yoga, Dynamix, and decelerator. 
MMX is kinda like the p90x Kenpo X version but this one is intense. There are burpees and punching and a whole lot of cardio. 
X3 yoga is very enjoyable. I like how its 30 minutes and not 90 like on p90x. 
Dynamix feels like a stretch every time I do it. I loved how you would activate than elongate your muscles. 
Decelerator is just pure awesome. I love how he teaches you that when you jump to land safely. I love the plyo, agility and the chin ups. Oh its pure magic.
The ones I had a hard time were the warrior and agility X. The warrior had a ton of push ups and I suck at push ups. I have bad wrists so this was very difficult for me. Agility X there was a lot of jumping and running in place. This one made my knees hurt bad. So if you have bad knees be careful with this one, take your time. 
Because of this program I am able to do a lot of things. I feel more flexible and energetic. I am able to do side plank, camel and even bound warrior. I was not able to do any of those moves.... ever. It such an amazing feeling.
I would highly recommend this workout!!! it would probably be better to do this one than p90x after. That's what I think.

So during this program I went a a week long cruise and when I got home I was sick for 2 weeks. Now I had such a hard time getting back in the groove. I was tempted to just start the program over if I was gonna be sick for another week. Although I was sick I still tried to get my workout in. After the cruise I think I got vertigo. I felt like I was on a rocking boat and was nauseous all the time. I don't know if that is what vertigo is but it sure felt like it. 
After I finished that last day it felt like forever. I think this took me 4 months instead of 3. That's what I get for missing so many weeks. 

At the end of this program I was lifting 15 pounds. At the beginning I was at 5 pounds.
Noticed a more toned back when done. 

Here are my results from P90X3:
I lost 6 pounds and went from a size 10 to size 8 in jeans. 

Remember to "Bring it"