Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Review: P90X

If you are looking for a extreme home fitness program where you burn calories, build and tone muscles. Than this is your program.
Tony Horton is fun, motivational, and just amazing. This guy knows his stuff and how it works. Most of the program you are laughing that you can't even workout. I love quoting him all the time. Especially the " Do your best and forget the rest". 
Let me tell you that this was the hardest I have ever worked... ever.  12 workouts total for 90 days, but it was all worth it. This program is for advanced and for people who are already fit and it is challenging from day one.
There are 3 different types of programs you can pick.

Doubles- Very demanding. Ideal for men. More for training.
Lean- more for woman. Lose weight and tone body.
Classic- ideal for men and women. Adds muscle tone and has more cardio
Each program is unique in its own way. There are a lot of double down days in each program. Lean only had them twice a week but doubles and classic have a ton.
I did the lean schedule and here are the workouts that are with it and what they are and how long they are.

  • Core Synergistics- building multiple muscle groups. 58 minutes. 
  • Cardio X- low impact cardi. 43 minutes.
  • Shoulder & arms- focuses on shoulders and arms. Weight training.77 minutes.
  • AB ripper X- focuses on sculpting abs. 16 minutes. 
  • Yoga X- strength, balance and core work. 92 minutes
  • Kenpo X- Intense cardiovascular workout with punching and kicking for endurance, balance, and coordination. 56 minutes.
  • Chest & Back- Focuses on chest and back. Weight training. 77 minutes.
  • Chest, shoulders and triceps- name says it all. Weight training. 73 minutes. 
  • Legs and Back- Focuses on legs and back. Weight training. 76 minutes.
  • Back and Biceps- Focuses on Back and biceps. Weight training. 52 minutes.
  • X-stretch- all stretch. 58 minutes
There is a P90X plus which you can add to your program. It has more intense cardio, muscle building and ab ripper for maximum results. I have not done this one because I was doing the lean program. 
Here are the workouts:
  • Interval X plus- a cardio workout that puts your heart rate at 3 different speeds. Recovery, medium and full out. Very high cardio. 40 minutes
  • Kenpo cardio plus- just an more advanced level of the kenpo X. Helps build stamina, balance and agility. 40 minutes
  • Upper plus- Work your upper muscles from your shoulders to your waist line. You won't be able to pick up a ping pong paddle once your done with this monster workout. 45 minutes.
  • Total body plus- Has new synergystic moves to get your muscles pumped, then recuperate in stages. 45 minutes. 
  • Abs/core plus- This ab workout has 4 different stages; hanging, sitting, standing and plank positions. This is to make the workout more intense to shred that mid section. 20 minutes. 
"Arm circles; like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble"
                 -Tony Horton

The one I had the hardest time with was Cardio X. After 2 months in I was able to do it full on non stop. Cardio X was one I did not enjoy, I'm not a huge fan of cardio. I'm more into toning and weight lifting.
One of my favorites are between yoga x, kenpo x, and ab ripper x.
Yoga X is extremely long and makes you work. I would only do about 45 minutes. People who say
yoga is for wimps... ya no its not. Once you finish the Yoga X you feel amazing and so relaxed.
Kenpo X is full on karate. Punching, kicking and even blocking. I felt like Jackie Chan while doing this workout. Its fun, energetic and you are dripping in sweat after you finish.
Ab ripper X is short but very intense. No modifier its just full blown ab workout. I love this one because of the time and how you feel
after is just amazing.
After almost every workout there is a bonus round. I admit I did the bonus round maybe once and my whole body gave out on me. I would be so exhausted and tired by the time I'm done with the whole workout.
I'm a working mom. I had such a hard time getting the motivation in at 9 at night when my son goes to bed. I would start and wouldn't be done till almost 11 sometimes 11:30, that's if the internet wouldn't load the video. That was the hardest of all during this program. Although I loved the me time that I got to have during that hour. During this program I got the flu and tried kenpo x and only did 30 minutes. I know I should rest but once you start this program you can't stop. I was also afraid to stop because I was afraid that I was not gonna start back up again.

"Do your best and forget the rest"
                -Tony Horton

On week 6 I had already lost 6 pounds and my butt was getting firmer and cellulite was disappearing.
On week 10 I reached my goal weight and upped my weights twice. I had so much energy and had no
problem doing push ups.
Let me tell you the first 2 weeks were rough. I was so tempted to quit so many times. After I got past 2 weeks and started seeing results I kept going. My husband is the one that convinced me to do it. I just laughed and said heck no!!  I've seen the infomercials they make it look so intense. I was breaking a sweat just by watching the videos.
Before I started I had really bad, achy hips. After I finished my hips didn't hurt anymore. It felt amazing, I don't know why it helped but I'm glad it did.
After I finished I started to notice that my abs were coming in. I've never,ever had abs before. I take a lot of pictures of them haha. I love them.

To the right are my results from this program. I have seen major results.
I have lost 11 pounds and dropped 2 pant sizes.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Review: Brazil Butt Lift

Brazil Butt Lift explains it all in the title. This program literally lifts and tones your butt and your legs. There is some ab and weight training in it, but the whole time your working your butt without even knowing. BBL is only 30-60 days long and each workout is 10-50 minutes.
There are different kinds of programs you can do.

Classic- for people who are indecisive. This ones for you.
Slim and lift- for people who have a big flabby butt and bad muffin tops.
Lift and shape- for people who have a pear shaped butt and want more tone.
Volumizer- for people who have a too flat or square butt.

I did the slim and lift. My pencil test did not look pretty. I looked to see what program to do and did it. You can actually do 2 and create a 60 day program and get even more results. Mix and match or do the same one twice. That's what I did. Except i did it in 4 months because I had no idea what I was doing and that I didn't know they give you a schedule. I was new at beach body ok... hey I still got the results I wanted. 

Depending on your "pencil test" is what workout to do. 
The picture on your right is what the pencil test is and how to do it. I know its a little weird but once I finished this program I did the pencil test again and it was amazing. I noticed a huge difference.
I loved this program because it not only worked one muscle in your butt.... but all three. Gluteus maximus, minimus and medius. I worked muscles I didn't even know I had.

Lets talk about the workouts.

  • Bum Bum- intense cardio with butt sculpting moves. 35 minutes.
  • High and Tight- lift your butt with Leandros secret moves. 35 minutes.
  • Sculpt- tighten and tone your entire body from head to toe. 50 minutes.
  • Cardio Axe- fat burning, cardio, dance routine. 
  • Tummy tuck- All about abs 20 minutes. 
  • Bum bum rapido- a fast version of bum bum. For people who are in a hurry. 10 minutes.
Now there is a whole other program. Its called the deluxe program. This includes original bbl and the maximum results program, kinda like a hybrid. 
Here are the workouts to the maximum results. 
  • Rio extreme- Intense cardio. 50 minutes.
  • Abs rapido- fast ab workout. No crunches or push ups. 10 minutes. 
  • Uppercuts- sculpting arms. 13 minutes.
I have done the maximum result ones too and I really enjoyed them. The one I most enjoyed was Rio extreme. 

As for my favorite workout... I choose all of them. Yes, they were all so enjoyable and fun I couldn't choose a favorite. Cardio axe by the time I'm finished I'm dripping in sweat. My whole body would hurt and it felt good. Bum bum has a lot of cardio in it, that one makes me sweat like crazy too. Tummy tuck is amazing... you feel the burn the whole time. Bum bum rapido wasn't that bad, you barley get a sweat on but you do work your muscles. I wasn't a huge fan of it because I felt like i didn't get enough from it. High and tight is painful for your butt and legs.  You do a couple moves over again but at different angles. Sculpt uses weights. You tone from head to toe and there's some cardio in it. Once your finished you can feel it. phew. 

This program is great for beginners who are just starting to workout. I did this program before I did P90X. After this I noticed a big difference in my butt, legs and even stomach. It helped get rid of my "baby pouch".

Here are my results:
I lost about 5 pounds and 3 pant size.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Buffalo chicken lettuce wraps

When I found this recipe and read it I was very skeptical of it.
I tried it and it was amazing and different. So many different tastes. Now you can make a sweet buffalo, non buffalo (spicy) or just buffalo.

What you'll need:
I do not take credit for this picture

  • Butter lettuce- you can get this at Costco. It tastes better with this kind of lettuce, but you can you regular if you want. 
  • Grape tomatoes- cute in half
  • ranch
  • 2 Tbl buffalo sauce- I like red hot
  • 1 Tbl brown sugar- maybe more. 
  • 2 tsp water- maybe more 
  • Avocado
What to do:
Cook chicken add brown sugar, water and buffalo sauce. Or just add buffalo sauce or just brown sugar. 
Mix in well. Place on lettuce cup add ranch, tomato, and avocado for toppings. 
Now enjoy all these different flavors.