Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Broccoli and cheese stuffed spaghetti squash

Spaghetti squash is an amazing food to cook with. Its so healthy for you and you can replace it with a lot of stuff. Here is a recipe I found and had to share for the world to see. This is so easy and delicious. On another post I did baked spaghetti squash this is a little different, but some of the same steps.
I do not take credit for this pic

What you'll need:

  • 1 full spaghetti squash cut in half, length wise
  • 2 cups of chopped broccoli 
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper
  • italian seasoning
  • mozzarella or italian blend cheese.
  • Parmesan cheese, shredded
What to do:
Place tinfoil on tray than the squash. Put oil on both sides of the squash and S&P. Place the squash face down. 
On one side of the squash place broccoli, cover with oil and Parmesan cheese. On the other side place any veggie you desire (asparagus, carrots, zucchini etc..) Cover in oil and Parmesan cheese and Italian mixture. Bake till the squash and veggies are soft and lightly brown. About 10-15 min. 
Turn over the squash and scrape out the spaghetti and place in a large bowl. Mix in the broccoli, Italian cheese, S&P, garlic and Parmesan cheese. Mix well and place back into empty squash bowls. Take other veggie off of tray and put it on another plate. Put more cheese on top and put back in oven till the cheese is brown and melted. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

DIY: Non-toxic paint

I was so excited to get my son into painting and artist work. This paint was a success, he knew exactly what to do. It was fun enough to play with and yummy enough to eat.
He is probably going to get his art skills from him mom.
Anyway here is the recipe I used to make it. I put them in leftover baby jars I had to store them. When I want to use them I just warm it up and tada!! Fun arts and crafts day.
I had to add a little more corn starch to make it more thick like paint.

What you'll need:

  • 3 Tbs sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 c corn starch
  • 2 cups of water
  • Food coloring
What to do:
Mix everything in a pot and heat till warm and well mixed. Transfer into used baby jars. Add any color to each baby jar and shake. I mixed colors to make purple and other ones. It was fun:). 

These are the results I got from my son. He had so much fun with it. When he was done he picked up his paper and said "see" it was so cute!!. 
Next time we are doing it outside.